Board Service, Within Limits

Term limits for board members are a tricky subject. When you are first starting a non-profit organization, the board is often the sole source of labor until the organization gathers enough resources to hire staff. At that point, you may not even want to consider creating any rules that might force the departure of any of the dedicated people who share in your vision. Why Term Limits? In the long term though, it is going ...

Rub-A-Dub-Dub-Dub, Count All The Men In Your Tub

One item often overlooked when setting up a Google Analytics account is whether or not to include the www or non-www version of the URL as the preferred domain. Preceding the domain name in a URL, www (pronounced “dub-dub-dub”) can inadvertently turn into a thorn in your side by way of inaccurate metrics if you haven’t one version or the other for your preferred domain. Fortunately, this is super easy to put in place but ...

A Sample Social Editorial Calendar

A Sample Social Editorial Calendar

Social media is increasingly becoming more important to arts organizations.  Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more are opportunities to promote and market events and your organization and to engage with your audience and potential audience members.  But, determining a consistent voice for those outlets, deciding on content to post, and effectively posting and monitoring those sites (especially if you’re maintaining multiple platforms!) can be challenging. Digital Marketing Software Company Marketo has a great guide to ...

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