Let’s Talk About Press Kits
Let’s talk about Press Kits. I’ve seen so many artists fumble when it comes to providing a good press kit with the necessary photos or biography needed for a marketer. And it’s not just artists, I’ve worked with agents who are also doing things that are a roadblock to marketers. So let’s look at how you can better market yourself as a performer, composer, or any kind of artist with your Press Kit.

Keeping Your Books Audit Ready
For arts managers outside the finance team, the idea of an audit may seem either terrifying or mundane. Even some inside the finance teams, of organizations of all sizes, the annual external audit process can consume a significant portion of staff time and mental energy for several months of the year. The external audit process results in a document known as the audited financial statements, which provides a professional opinion that the organization’s accounting records ...

How To Make Concert Programs The Right Way
If you’ve been in a position of having to create a concert program, or have them emailed from colleagues and collaborators, you know there are lots of ways to deal with positioning composers and titles. In this tutorial, I’m going to talk about the right way, using the tools that are built-in for exactly this purpose, that will make your programs look great and keep them easy to maintain: tab stops. Instead of entering the ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…