LinkedIn Kills Off Share Counters
If you’ve been wondering why all of your LinkedIn share counters don’t seem to work, don’t worry, it isn’t you, it’s LinkedIn. The company posted an innocuous announcement about killing of the feature and buried it their developer blog. In addition to the counter function being removed, they blitzed all the existing underlying data which means all of your existing share counters will be set back to zero (assuming they aren’t there already). #WithFriendsLikeThese LinkedIn ...
Take Advantage Of These Photoshop Templates To Update Your Social Media Branding
A good Photoshop (PSD) template can save hours of time and frustration when designing branding elements for social media platforms and over the past year, you’ve probably noticed the trend toward larger, full width header images. These look terrific and since every major social media platform functions within a responsive website environment (where content is relocated across different browser widths) that means you can no longer be lazy and put together a WYSIWYG style header ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…