ArtsHacker’s Super Simple Guide To Mastering Transactional Emails Part 2
In Part 1, we learned what transactional emails are, how to identify all the providers you may use that generate those messages, and must-have elements to include in your message templates. Today, we’re going to learn about how you should go about tracking those messages by connecting dedicated transactional email messaging providers to the services you use (spoiler: yes, there are free options!). You’ve already learned about the six primary points of contact where most ...

ArtsHacker’s Super Simple Guide To Mastering Transactional Emails Part 1
Email marketing is great, no doubt about it. But that should only be one of your primary email oriented points of contact and groups that focus solely on email marketing are missing out on everything transactional emails offer. Transactional Emails Defined Unlike traditional email marketing that relies on messages sent to mass recipients, transactional email focuses on purpose driven messages sent to a single recipient. Typically, transactional emails are connected to a specific action, such ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…