Fundraising Events on Form 990
If your nonprofit arts organization hosts any fundraising events (that raise more than $5,000), you will need to complete Schedule G, “Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities,” with your annual Form 990. For reasons of tax law regarding deductibility of charitable donations that are beyond the scope of this article, the way we report the revenue and expenses associated with galas and other fundraising events on Schedule G is somewhat misaligned with how we ...
Level Up the Net Assets Portion of Your Balance Sheet
Accounting software will come “out of the box” with at least two accounts within the Equity (or Net Assets, in nonprofit terminology) section of your Statement of Financial Position (also called the balance sheet): Retained Earnings and Net Revenue. In a nonprofit context, Retained Earnings might be renamed Unrestricted Net Assets. None of the day-to-day bookkeeping entries, whether logging a ticket sale, a donor pledge, the collection on that pledge, an artist’s fee payment, the ...
Depreciation Basics for Non-Profit Arts Organizations
Depreciation, in the accounting sense, is the bookkeeping process of lowering the value of something that your organization owns over time. It is generally applied to physical or tangible objects that an organization uses long-term. Disclaimer: What is a blog post about a legal or financial topic without a disclaimer? This is not legal advice. You should not be getting your legal advice from a blog post. The purpose of this post is to give ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…