Making Data Mean More Through Storytelling

Making Data Mean More Through Storytelling

One of my college professors told my class that he started each morning by watching one Ted talk.  Since here in Chattanooga, our summer is a little more relaxed then during the season, I’m taking up his advice and starting each day with a TED talk*. One of my favorites that I’ve watched this summer was given by New York based Ben Wellington, author of the blog I Quant NY self-proclaimed data storyteller at 2015 ...

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Yes, Print Does Still Matter

Just today, new findings from a Temple University study have been released showing that paper still has power.  More specifically, that our brains react to and retain content that we have consumed on paper differently than digital. Roger Dooley has published a great summary article on 7/8/2015 about the findings on his always interesting Neuromarketing Blog. A couple of the key takeaways are below but I highly recommend that you take a few moments to read ...

Stupid Manager Tricks: How To Recover A Deleted MS Word Document

We’ve all been there, the cursing, gnashing of teeth, and general unpleasantness involved with realizing you just lost a MS Word document you really, really need. It doesn’t matter if it was due to a power outage or a graceless self-inflicted productivity wound, the end result is the same. Fortunately, it probably isn’t gone for good and even though options to bring it back from the great digital beyond have been around for a while, ...