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Master Responsive Web Design With Chrome’s Device Mode RELOADED

Along with death and taxes, you can be certain that Goggle will update the integrated tools inside its Chrome browser. One of the latest updates includes enhancements to their device emulator, a feature we covered in detail via an article from 7/15/2015. You can visit that post to better understand why this tool is important and how it will help you master the art of responsive web design, but today’s post is going to cover ...

An Arts Manager’s Guide To Combating Ghost Referral Spam In Google Analytics

An Arts Manager’s Guide To Combating Ghost Referral Spam In Google Analytics

Among the many types of spammers that have cropped up over the course of the last year, one of the fastest growing variations is Ghost Referral Spammers (GRS) targeting your Google Analytics (GA) account. The end result is a torrent of fake metrics that can be so overwhelming, it compromises the value of your legitimate GA metrics. Google is well aware of the problem and actively working on solutions but in the meantime, you’ll need ...

2016 resolutions

10 Resolutions Every Arts Manager Should Make For Better Data Driven Decisions In 2016

2016 is the year for ridding your institution of as much HiPPO decision making as possible. Even if you aren’t familiar with the acronym, HiPPO stands for Highest Paid Person’s Opinion, we’ve all wasted too much time during meetings and made decisions that didn’t produce the best potential return on investment due to a lack of data. Granted, in the absence of hard data, it’s natural to rely on experience but the ways we interact ...