Being Diverse and Inclusive The Other 11 Months Of The Year

Being Diverse and Inclusive The Other 11 Months Of The Year

The new season is upon and I’m sure many community engagement managers out there spent the summer making plans for a variety of initiatives.  Probably high on that list were “diversity initiatives”. If you google “diversity”, the definition is “variety; a range of things.” Nowhere in there does it say “putting people of different skin tones into theater/concert hall/museum seats,” but in so many organizations, both in the arts world and non-arts world, that is ...

Using Internal Search To Optimize Your Website

Using Internal Search To Optimize Your Website

Drew eloquently described how to easily activate internal search tracking in Google Analytics. Let’s look into how you can use the data from the report. [box] Do visitors use the search function? Unless you have a specific site or section of your site that lends itself to searches (i.e. a large ecommerce site, a huge archive or catalog, many articles, or anything else that requires many database entries or lots of content), don’t expect a ...

How to Create Custom Dashboards

How To Create Custom Dashboards

Do you have specific pieces of data that you always want to see when you’re checking your Google Analytics? (Because I know you are checking  your Google Analytics regularly, right? Yes. Yes, you are.) A super handy way to streamline the process is to create a custom dashboard. You can take almost any data set that is in Google Analytics and put it into a dashboard.  Let me show you! Step 1: Login to your ...