Using PatronManager For Your New-To-File Ticketbuyer Retention Plan

As you may know, the cost of obtaining a new single ticket buyer for your arts organization is significantly higher than retaining current ticketbuyers and subscribers. Having a retention plan in place to turn new-to-file single ticket buyers into multi-ticket buying households is key to keeping your audience and revenue growing and your marketing costs down. Each organization can define what a New-to-File single ticket buyer is to them, but this is the definition that ...

Step 3

How To Create Quick Professional Graphics For Facebook

IMAGINE! It’s Friday afternoon, your office closes at 5 PM, and you still haven’t posted something to your organization’s Facebook page. You know you don’t want to post another boring photo of your last event.  What do you do? With many small arts organizations, a whole department doesn’t always handle such tasks like the one described. Your organization might only have two employees and the workload is shared.  Plus, you might not have had time ...

Adding Heatmaps To Your Website

If you know me even just a little, you know that I love data. Especially in the field of arts marketing because we tend to have our own preconceived notions as arts marketers on what “our people” like, what they want, and how they behave. Good data can either back that up or contradict it and put you on the right path. This is so true with websites. In my travels, I find that most ...

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