How To Get People To Open Your Emails

Short answer: Send them content they find interesting. Long answer: SendGrid’s 2019 Email Benchmark and Engagement Study data has been published and it has some important insights for arts organizations on why people open or don’t open emails. The two top reasons why people open your emails are quite simple: they like hearing from you and the content is stuff they want to read. I would argue that those things are inextricably linked — if ...

Is Your MC Hooked Up To Your GA?

Did you know that you can track traffic on your website from MailChimp emails right in Google Analytics?  It’s true! Why would you want to track traffic on your website that comes from emails, you ask? So that you can see how people move through your website after getting there and if anyone converts. You can use this to gauge the efficacy of your email campaigns as well as your website usability. It is easy ...


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How to Create Date-Based Automations with MailChimp

If you’re a MailChimp user and you’re not using their automation feature, you’re missing out! Automated emails can save you time and allow you to send more timely emails to your list. Let’s take a look at how you can use date criteria to create an automation. Let’s say you’re a museum and you collect the email addresses of your visitors. You want to follow up with them after their visit with a series of ...