How Accessible Is Your Website? Here’s How You Can Find Out

Did you know that a routine boilerplate included in many grant agreements stipulates the receiving organization agrees that their website complies to accessibility standards? Granted, I have yet to see a funder yank a grant for failing to comply, but that doesn’t mean you should bury your head in the sand. Fortunately, we’re going to look at a couple of free tools you can use to help you meet and exceed recommended accessibility standards. What ...

Don't Undermine A Good Crisis Plan With Minor Daily Inattentiveness

Don’t Undermine A Good Crisis Plan With Minor Daily Inattentiveness

You and your staff are ready for a crisis. Everyone, including your volunteers, regularly reviews plans for handling your audience in case of fire, tornado, earthquakes, active shooters, etc.  In fact, you are plugged in to resources like ArtsReady which is specifically designed to provide advice on crisis planning to arts organizations. Your community knows where to look and listen to learn about the status of events when bad weather threatens. But all this could ...

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The Pros And Cons Of WordPress Plugin Updates

The Pros And Cons Of WordPress Plugin Updates

When an orchestra plays, each musician has his/her own part to follow. They are designed to work together by a single composer to create a cohesive whole, a production with real polish. But now imagine that each part was written by different composers who are supposed to be following some central guidelines, but are largely able to do whatever they want. And now imagine that these composers can “improve” their own scores and introduce them ...

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