Stop Buying Online Ads Direct Right Now

Stop Buying Online Ads Direct Right Now

So, when you want to run some online display ads, are you placing them through your local newspaper, TV news station, or magazine? STOP. Placing ads direct on sites like these is the equivalent of ye olde “spray and pray” approach which is rarely successful with limited arts organization budgets.  You end up spending a lot of money for little to no results. Success in online display advertising is all about targeting. You want to ...

Need Some Help With Your WordPress Website?

Need Some Help With Your WordPress Website?

So, you’ve got a WordPress website and you’re a rock star at managing it yourself for the usual day-to-day things.  But now you need a little CSS tweak or you are looking to add a custom element. Who do you call? Where do you go? It can be daunting to try and find a developer you can trust who won’t gouge you on a small little fix. Enter Codeable. Codeable is a relatively new site ...

website ux mistakes

The Top 10 Web Design Mistakes We’re Still Making

The Nielsen Norman Group is made up of researchers who have literally written the books on user experience and usability. Their website is full of helpful articles that you can use to make improvements to your website that are supported by actual research and core to how humans interact with interfaces, not just what’s trendy and looks ‘current’. On October 30th they posted the article “Top 10 Enduring Web-Design Mistakes” that provides a great summary of ...

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