Open Yourself Up A Big ‘Ol Box Of Ethics & Compliance
“You need volunteers to update and revise the organization’s ethics and compliance policies? Hellz yeah I’m in!” Granted, that’s probably not a phrase you’re going to hear during your tenure as a professional arts manager but that doesn’t mean arts organizations should take ignore ethics and compliance issues nor does it mean the task of creating meaningful, and applicable, policies and procedures should be something to avoid. To that end, you should take a look ...
Understanding Non-Profit Financial Statements
A few months ago, I wrote about How Financial Statements Are Born, which explained how different financial statements were related to one another. A supplement to that is a How To Be A Financial Detective presentation that Thomas Blaney and Christopher Peterman made at a Grant Managers Network conference. This presentation is generally focused on educating board members and potential donors about how to interpret different non-profit financial statements. Obviously then, there are tips in ...
Never Waste Time Scheduling Meetings Again
How many times have you gone back and forth and back and forth and back and forth with a colleague, vendor, or other contact to schedule a simple meeting or call? Annoying, right? All of that hullabaloo is taking up valuable minutes of your day that you could be using to create arts admin awesomeness. Luckily, there are a few tools out there now that allow you to simply send a URL and your contact and ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…