2018 Year In Review
Year Four At Hacking Arts Management
A look back at risk, reward, and growth.
Upward Trajectory
Traffic took a sharp uptick in growth, especially among new readers.
While mobile engagement increased a bit, desktops were the overwhelming device of choice to connect with content.
- 45 percent increase in overall users
- 46 percent increase in new users
- 72 percent of readers engage with content on a desktop or laptop.

Millennials continued to dominate readership and while Gen X’s occupied the second-place spot, Baby Boomers increased nearly two points.
Female millennial readers comprised the largest ratio of overall readers (17 percent) while male, millennial readers were right behind (16.5 percent). Roles swapped inside the Gen-X crowd were male readers (12.6 percent) had a nearly three point edge over female readers (9.6 percent)
For overall readership, the ratio of female readers across all age groups increased nearly two points: 49 percent female / 51 percent male

C’mere A Minute
Organic search traffic comprised the bulk of user acquisition (69 percent) followed by a nearly even split between direct/email marketing (11 percent) and social media (10.5 percent) referrals.
Among those arriving via social media links:
- 2.25 percent of users came from Twitter.
- Facebook dropped from 2.6 to 0.48 percent (#wow).
More Content = More Skills!
We doubled down on special feature content during 2018 and it proved to be a valuable decision as overall reader sessions and session duration with special feature content was more than 20 percent higher than non-special feature content.
- 65 Articles
- 10 Special Feature Articles
- One New Special Feature Topic: Web Accessibility Through Content Management
Most Popular Articles Published In 2018
New Guest Author
We’re all about expanding to include new voices offering unique expertise.
To that end, David MacDonald wrote one of the most popular articles for 2018 on alternatives to Adobe Creative Suite.
It Was An Exciting Year…so, where do we go from here?
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