Embracing The Online Anger


By: Phil Paschke

My experience in managing social media for an arts organization was overwhelmingly positive. More than 99% of the time, patrons on Twitter had wonderful things to say about the venue, the performances, and the customer care they received.

But as anyone who’s managed an organizational account knows, it’s not all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows when something goes wrong. It’s easy to complain on Twitter, and, dare I say it, it’s easy to be downright nasty. So when your online ticketing goes down the morning a big show goes on sale, how do you deal with the flood of negative tweets?

On February 16, Aarian Marshall at CityLab wrote about North America’s most abused sector on Twitter – public transit – and how they deal (or don’t deal) with negative feedback. While you might think the connection to the arts would be tenuous at best, the article has some great nuggets of insight for anyone dealing with vitriol lobbed at their organization, and a fascinating example of how one transit authority is “embracing the online anger.”

let the hate flow through you
“Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational twitter station…”
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Phil Paschke
Philip has had a fascination with all things tech ever since his parents brought home a Commodore 64 and he learned to type Load “*”,8,1. Combining his love of gadgets with a passion for music, he completed a B.Mus in Theory and Composition, while working part-time at the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra & Winspear Centre box office. After thirteen years with the organization progressing through titles like New Media Specialist and Communications Manager, he recently relocated to Wagga Wagga, Australia (really) for a down-under adventure. Whichever hemisphere he's in, Philip makes time for fine food, peaty scotch, and staying up way too late playing Sim City.
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