Press Kits: What Arts Orgs Actually Want
Press kits are easy, all it takes is making some photos and a pdf bio available then call it a day, right? Guess again. While that might be the bare minimum from days past, an effective artist press kit requires considerably more time and effort to craft. It isn’t unfair to say most arts marketers have anywhere from 5-20 minutes per event for compiling all the related artist information. That includes promo images, bios, and ...

Looking For A Creative Business Holiday Card Idea?
Business holiday cards can be a tricky task: you can always opt for safe/bland or cutesy/meme but doing something that reinforces your actual business relationship can be a tall order. Fortunately, I came across an idea years ago that does a great job at finding that sweet spot: the personalized infographic card. The infographic card does a great job at presenting shared accomplishments while simultaneously demonstrating that you’re following the client’s progress. The template I designed ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…