A Pandemic Driven Update To Business Holiday Cards

In 2018, I published an article that provided an option for creating a creative business card. Based on your feedback, it entirely helpful for many readers so I wanted to share an update that is more suitable for the COVID era. The original idea focused on pulling statistics from your client/organization’s Google Analytics account, such as the number of annual users. All things being equal, it’s a great option but in the age of COVID, ...

Looking For A Creative Business Holiday Card Idea?

Business holiday cards can be a tricky task: you can always opt for safe/bland or cutesy/meme but doing something that reinforces your actual business relationship can be a tall order. Fortunately, I came across an idea years ago that does a great job at finding that sweet spot: the personalized infographic card. The infographic card does a great job at presenting shared accomplishments while simultaneously demonstrating that you’re following the client’s progress. The template I designed ...