A Pandemic Driven Update To Business Holiday Cards
In 2018, I published an article that provided an option for creating a creative business card. Based on your feedback, it entirely helpful for many readers so I wanted to share an update that is more suitable for the COVID era. The original idea focused on pulling statistics from your client/organization’s Google Analytics account, such as the number of annual users. All things being equal, it’s a great option but in the age of COVID, ...
Please Don’t Ignore Me! Rethinking How We Design For Attention
In an age where arts organizations are learning how to re-engage patrons with remote activity, it never hurts to reexamine what we take for granted. To that end, there’s a fantastic article by Victor Yocco at SmashingMagazine.com that provides exactly the sort of perspective our field can benefit from when engaging digital initiatives. Out of the gate, Yocco does a good job at framing the discussion by reviewing two sub-types of attention that are most ...
Free Photoshop Template For Converting Images from Portrait Aspect Ratio To Landscape
We’ve all been there: you need images in landscape aspect ratio for digital content but all of your source files are in portrait. Frustrating, right? For the most part, trying to convert a portrait image to landscape involves some serious photo editing skills and you can simply forget it if the image includes too much background detail or the subject bleeds to either edge. Fortunately, there is one option that can make life a bit ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…