I Dont Always Volunteer

The Value of A Volunteer

It can be quite difficult to determine what sort of value you should place on a volunteer’s time. Yet, it can be very important because grantors often look for in-kind community support of arts organizations. The Independent Sector has calculated this number to be a national average of $22.55 and breakdown the value specifically state by state. Washington D.C. took top prize in 2013 with $38.69. Calculating this number is not only important for grants and other financial reports, but also helping your organization recognize the full value of a volunteer’s assistance. … Read more

Reaching Millennial Donors

Are you tired of hearing about millenials yet? Since we’re the next generation of donors, audience members, volunteers you might just get used to us. If my Facebook feed says anything, we are single handedly responsible for bringing pumpkin spice lattes back in September. We’re not all that bad. In fact, we’re actually learning to be pretty good and generous.  According to the Millennial Impact Report, nearly 40% of us gave amounts between $1-50, and another 23% gave at $51-100 levels to a nonprofit in 2012. Sure we don’t fit the current … Read more

Top 5 Reasons Why ‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Is Wrong

I have always believed in this phrase. This doesn’t mean I don’t strive to deliver the best customer service I can to each and every patron, but sometimes a patron becomes so toxic or argumentative, that breaking up with them is the best thing to do for your organization, and for the employees or volunteers who man the box office. I found this great article on Huffington Post that explains why the customer isn’t always right. Here’s a quick overview of the author’s top 5 reasons. [box type=”info”]Alexander Kjerulf; Top 5 Reasons Why … Read more