In 2018, I published an article that provided an option for creating a creative business card. Based on your feedback, it entirely helpful for many readers so I wanted to share an update that is more suitable for the COVID era.
The original idea focused on pulling statistics from your client/organization’s Google Analytics account, such as the number of annual users.
All things being equal, it’s a great option but in the age of COVID, many users have seen sharp falloff on overall users. Including is in a holiday card only reminds them of current challenges.
As an option, consider pivoting toward using metrics to build a thumbnail of the most common site visitor. All you need are two dimensions: age group and gender.
From your Google Analytics dashboard, navigate to:
- Audience > Demographics > Age
- Audience > Demographics > Gender
You’ll be able to pull the metrics you need from both of those screens and remember to set your date range to include all of 2020.
If you want to get fancy, you can create avatars that match the age group and gender:
You can follow the instructions in last year’s article for how to use’s greeting card template when creating these unique cards.
In the end, the user profile approach helps recipients focus on something positive that should always be at the core of data driven decision making: their patrons.