Using Parkinson’s Law To Become A Better Manager

This series is designed to help those working in the arts and culture sector apply user experience (UX) best practices to daily content management tasks. Using Jon Yablonski’s collection at that gathers best practices designers consider when building user interfaces, today’s installment will focus on Parkinson’s Law. Parkinson’s Law Per here’s how Parkinson’s Law is defined: Any task will inflate until all of the available time is spent. Limit the time it takes to complete a task ...

Pew Research Striking Findings

If you have read my previous posts, you know how much I love the Pew Research Center — there is so much great data from which we can learn. Recently, they put out their Striking Findings for 2021 and there are a few highly applicable stats therein. 1. For the first time, the number of Americans who identify as non-Hispanic White declined between 2010 and 2020. When thinking about diversity and inclusion in our organizations ...

Using The Law of Common Region To Become A Better Manager

This series is designed to help those working in the arts and culture sector apply user experience (UX) best practices to daily content management tasks. Using Jon Yablonski’s collection at that gathers best practices designers consider when building user interfaces, these articles will show you how each practice can be applied to more than just user experience tasks. Law of Common Region Per here’s how the Law Of Common Region is defined: Elements tend to be ...