Nonprofit Bids Is Coming Soon And It Needs Your RFPs
Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to the interest inquiry about creating an online Request For Proposal (RFP) portal that nonprofit arts and culture orgs could use, free of charge, to post RFPs and solicit bids. The overwhelmingly positive feedback means it is going to be a thing and you can expect it to launch mid-March, just in time for the 2020 NTEN Conference. And in order to make sure it’s ready ...

How To Get People To Open Your Emails
Short answer: Send them content they find interesting. Long answer: SendGrid’s 2019 Email Benchmark and Engagement Study data has been published and it has some important insights for arts organizations on why people open or don’t open emails. The two top reasons why people open your emails are quite simple: they like hearing from you and the content is stuff they want to read. I would argue that those things are inextricably linked — if ...

Two Easy Methods For Shutting Down Comments In WordPress
WordPress is great…until it isn’t. The good news is most of those shortcomings are pretty easy to work with if you know your options. Moreover, most of them tend to be holdovers from the days when WP was primarily a blogging platform. Case in point: comments. For most arts organizations using WordPress for their publishing platform, the comment functionality is a pretty low priority if not entirely unnecessary. Unfortunately, comment fields show by default on ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…