Leveling Up Your WCAG Skills With Kontrast Chrome Extension
In November, 2018 we examined how you can move toward better web accessibility by focusing on improved color contrast. If you’re starting to get into a groove on those tasks, you probably realize the back-and-forth grind for checking colors can become a bit of a drag. Fortunately, there’s a Chrome extension designed for frontend developers that is so straightforward, anyone can use it. Since it’s baked right into the browser, you can conduct all your ...

Happy holidays From Everyone At ArtsHacker!
Set autoresponders to stun! We hope everyone is able to enjoy some time for fun and relaxation with family and loved ones over the holiday season. During the break, take some time to peruse the topic index to brush up on some skills and reach out to let us know what you would like to see us write about in 2019.

Stop! Before You Send An Email To That Old List…
Clean your list! If I had a nickel for every client who emailed me in a panic because MailChimp (or Constant Contact or Emma or whoever) froze their account because an exceptionally high bounce or SPAM rate raised red flags… Nine times out of ten it is the result of an email that went out to an old list. If you are thinking of sending a reactivation email to a list you haven’t talked to ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…