How To Find Your Brand Archetype

How To Find Your Brand Archetype

To enlarge a fan base and keep them interested, the artist needs to regularly pump out content that aligns with their branded archetype—providing additional facets to who they are. After all, the core of branding is distinguishing one from the masses—creating visual, aural, and emotional identity. Ask Questions Before content generation though, the archetype needs to be selected and be front and center in the artist’s mind and their staff’s minds (manager, publicist, etc.). An ...

ArtsHacker's Guide To Setting Up A Google Search Console Account Getting Started

Master Your Domain With Google Search Console: Getting Started

Earlier in the month, I posted an article about how you can use Google Search Console (GSC) to temporarily hide a page from Google Search Results. Several readers wrote in to say that although they could really use that tool, they didn’t have a GSC account set up and when they tried, they gave up after reaching a few frustrating parts of the process. As such, we wanted to create a new series that walks ...

STOP Opening Attachments From Strangers

STOP Opening Attachments From Strangers! (And Other Hacking Prevention Tips)

The Ohio Arts Council recently presented a webinar titled “Don’t Get Hacked,” aimed at providing tips, practices, and tools that will reduce vulnerability to data theft. The presenter Ted Hattemer started out with common advice about upgrading from vulnerable operating systems like Windows Vista and XP and using anti-virus/malware software. You Are The Weakest Link Often though it is human beings that are weak link in the security chain, employing poor discipline like opening email ...