Deeper Dive Into Full Costs Incurred By An Organization
I have written before about how to discover the True Cost of organizational programs. This is helpful when it comes to budgeting, evaluating your programs and soliciting support for those programs. In April 2016, Non-Profit Quarterly hosted a webinar that addressed this last activity–making the case to funders cover the Full Cost of programs. The webinar was conducted by Claire Knowlton, Director in Advisory Services at the Nonprofit Finance Fund. Even if you don’t intend ...
Creative Manager Update
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We wanted to post a quick update to let readers know that due some of our panelists getting over winter illnesses, we’re about a week behind the original date for announcing the recipients of our inaugural Most Creative People in Arts Administration program. And since we don’t want to rush any of the panelists, we decided late is far better than panelists reviewing applications and making decisions while hopped up on cold meds and antibiotics! ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…