Yes, Print Does Still Matter

Just today, new findings from a Temple University study have been released showing that paper still has power.  More specifically, that our brains react to and retain content that we have consumed on paper differently than digital. Roger Dooley has published a great summary article on 7/8/2015 about the findings on his always interesting Neuromarketing Blog. A couple of the key takeaways are below but I highly recommend that you take a few moments to read ...


Exploring the Far Corners

By now you’ve seen the amazing images of everyone’s favourite ninth member of the solar system dwarf planet Pluto from NASA’s New Horizons mission. Their probe travelled 3 billion miles over a period of 9 years, culminating in a “flyby” of Pluto as it came within 7800 miles of the mysterious world, zipping by at more than 28,000 miles per hour. As the first transmissions of data and images reach Earth, scientists are already learning ...

Catch All

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Chrome Inspect Element Device Emulator

Master Responsive Web Design With Chrome’s Device Emulator

[box style=”note”]There is a more recent version of this article available that includes updated instructions on how to activate and use this Google Chrome tool.[/box] One of the single most daunting problems arts orgs face when converting to responsive design is embracing the mobile first concept; meaning, you no longer envision website design from a desktop-only or desktop-first perspective. Instead, you need to begin with the mobile browser environment and work your out from there. ...

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