Tracking Clickthroughs with Custom Links [2017]


By: Phil Paschke

Just over two years ago I posted about tracking clickthroughs with custom links made using a super simple tool provided by Google that integrates perfectly with Google Analytics. Since Google has recently updated their documentation it’s an excellent opportunity to bring it up again with the updated link, as it’s still as useful as ever!

To recap:

The Google URL builder helps you create custom URLs that allow you to track up to five parameters for each and every link you use, right in your GA account. It’s quite simple and might take you a minute, if that.

Although the URL Builder tool has a new look it functions the same as always (other than Campaign Medium and Name are no longer required parameters). So if you need a quick tutorial or refresher, check out my original post and then start tracking your campaigns with Google’s URL Builder.

google URL builder form
Google URL Builder

[button link=”” bg_color=”#eb4c41″ border=”#eb4c41″]Visit Google URL Builder[/button]

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Phil Paschke
Philip has had a fascination with all things tech ever since his parents brought home a Commodore 64 and he learned to type Load “*”,8,1. Combining his love of gadgets with a passion for music, he completed a B.Mus in Theory and Composition, while working part-time at the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra & Winspear Centre box office. After thirteen years with the organization progressing through titles like New Media Specialist and Communications Manager, he recently relocated to Wagga Wagga, Australia (really) for a down-under adventure. Whichever hemisphere he's in, Philip makes time for fine food, peaty scotch, and staying up way too late playing Sim City.
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