Let’s Talk About Press Kits

Let’s talk about Press Kits. I’ve seen so many artists fumble when it comes to providing a good press kit with the necessary photos or biography needed for a marketer. And it’s not just artists, I’ve worked with agents who are also doing things that are a roadblock to marketers. So let’s look at how you can better market yourself as a performer, composer, or any kind of artist with your Press Kit.

Here Are Some Secret Weapons That Will Get Rid Of Frustrating Copy Paste Formatting Problems With Online Content

Here Are Some Secret Weapons That Will Get Rid Of Frustrating Copy/Paste Formatting Problems With Online Content

Are you responsible for managing your organization’s online content? If so, then you likely know the pain that comes with copy/paste formatting problems. You copy text from a source file but when you paste it into your content management system, the formatting is all wrong or worse, basic keyboard commands don’t seem to work (“why is the enter key only giving me a line break instead of a paragraph break!?!”). Fortunately, we’re going to look ...