Let’s talk about advertising. No, not digital channels. I want to talk about traditional channels.
For most organizations, running ads on traditional channels like radio, TV, or even billboards is still a part of an effective communications campaigns. However, those channels are usually expensive and time-consuming to book. I’ve got nothing against ad reps but, without fail, there is a lot of back and forth during the process and they will try to get you into a plan with the largest spend possible.
In the past couple of years, forward thinking companies have come up with self serve ways to book these channels. I personally have used some of the ones I’m going to talk about today and can vouch for the fact that they are effective. Also, you have the ability to target more efficiently (sometimes down to the neighborhood!), set your own budget, and make changes when necessary along the way. All in record time without an ad rep.
Here are just a few solutions that are out there:
TV/Connected TV
Have you used a self serve solution to book ads on a traditional channel? Comment below! I’d love to hear about your experience.