Time To Include #ShowTheSalary In The Hiring Process

There has been a growing campaign internationally in the non-profit/charity sectors over recent years for employers to include a salary range when conducting job searches rather than utilizing vague terms like “competitive” or commensurate with experience.” The Show The Salary website was started in the UK, but people in the United States and Canada have taken up the cause. People like Nonprofit AF blogger Vu Le frequently make Twitter posts directed at employers using the hashtag #showthesalary. Vu Le generally includes the sentence “Please always #ShowTheSalary, as not doing so perpetuates racial … Read more

Theatre Streams: Who Uses The Offer?

A a non-representative survey by Rainer Glaap, Germany Bremen, April 26, 2020: The streaming offer of cultural institutions has massively increased with the beginning of the corona pandemic and the resulting closure of cultural institutions. The theatres, opera houses and concert halls are thus reacting to the closed buildings and would like to help their visitors to bridge the time without live performances.  Many offers, Many Questions The offers are manifold. At the beginning of the crisis, some houses were still thinking about live streaming, which soon proved impossible. The assembly ban … Read more

Online Meetings & Open Meeting Laws

Do Your By-laws Allow For Online Meetings? If you live in the United States, you may remember there was much ado when members of the House of Representatives had to return to Washington D.C. to approve a coronavirus relief package because the U.S. Constitution requires in-person voting. Any sort of vote conducted in another manner was vulnerable to a challenge. Similarly, if the bylaws of your non-profit don’t allow for virtual meetings or voting by email or if in-person voting is required by your state, then any decisions or even conversations about … Read more