Building Subscription Renewal Forms Using Adobe InDesign
It’s about that time of year for many arts organizations – season subscription renewal time! I always find this a hectic but exciting time of the year – finalizing programming and guest artists, locking in pricing and scale-of-hall changes, firming up packaging, and so forth. What’s not to love?! I know that many ticket systems offer a template invoice for subscription renewal. But I’ve never used one for the three ticket systems I’ve worked with. ...
Top 5 Reasons Why ‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Is Wrong
I have always believed in this phrase. This doesn’t mean I don’t strive to deliver the best customer service I can to each and every patron, but sometimes a patron becomes so toxic or argumentative, that breaking up with them is the best thing to do for your organization, and for the employees or volunteers who man the box office. I found this great article on Huffington Post that explains why the customer isn’t always ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…