An Easy Way To Limit URLs Allowed To Embed A Video
One of the more popular questions coming in from my Venture Platform users right now is how to embed a video so it can only playback on a password protected page. The goal is straightforward: performing arts organizations are looking for ways to offer protected video content. Unfortunately, most of the popular video hosting services are designed to give away your content free of charge. Fortunately, Vimeo provides a solution that won’t require any custom ...

4 Emails To Send That Don’t Ask For Money
Communications that don’t involve asking for money (donation, ticket sale, etc.) are important to keep patrons engaged and deepen their relationship with your organization. Here are some ideas for emails that don’t involve donating or purchasing but serve to educate and entertain. Automated Welcome Email An automated welcome email can come in two forms: when someone signs up for your email list, or when they sign up for a particular program, purchase a ticket, or ...

Free Photoshop Template For Converting Images from Portrait Aspect Ratio To Landscape
We’ve all been there: you need images in landscape aspect ratio for digital content but all of your source files are in portrait. Frustrating, right? For the most part, trying to convert a portrait image to landscape involves some serious photo editing skills and you can simply forget it if the image includes too much background detail or the subject bleeds to either edge. Fortunately, there is one option that can make life a bit ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…