Is Your MC Hooked Up To Your GA?
Did you know that you can track traffic on your website from MailChimp emails right in Google Analytics? It’s true! Why would you want to track traffic on your website that comes from emails, you ask? So that you can see how people move through your website after getting there and if anyone converts. You can use this to gauge the efficacy of your email campaigns as well as your website usability. It is easy ...
What Is Your Favorite Conference?
I want to know what conferences you attend or want to attend! Please share your favorite (arts and non-arts specific) conferences that are useful for arts administrators. My goal is to compile a rather comprehensive list that can then be shared with everyone in the industry. You can add to the Google Doc here (yes, folks, we are on the honor system here, please don’t abuse this document). Add To The Doc Thank you for ...
Add Context To Your Google Analytics Data Using Annotations
One of the best kept secrets in Google Analytics hiding in plain sight are annotations, which are little notes you can add to the timeline. Think of it like a 160-character max digital sticky note. Using them is very straightforward and they go a long way toward helping you keep track of variations in regular traffic patterns. Getting started is easy, just go to the Audience > Overview section of your Google Analytics admin panel. ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…