Today & Tomorrow Are Your Last Chances To Be A #20NTC Influencer
Tomorrow, Friday 8/30/2019, is the deadline for your chance to have a quantifiable impact on which sessions make it into the 2020 Nonprofit Technology Conference (#20NTC). 60 percent of decision-making juice comes from individual user votes so don’t think this is some sort of “we value your opinion until it comes time to make the decision” sort of thing. On the contrary, one of #20NTC’s most unique qualities is facilitating registered user favoriting for sessions they want (and ...

Panels And Post Show Discussions
Conversations around performances and events really can enhance the experience for people, but making it an effective and enjoyable experience can take some preparation and discipline. One of my favorite pieces on the practice was written for HowlRound by Brant Russell reflecting on his experience leading the discussions at Steppenwolf Theatre. He presented 11-ish rules that were basically aimed at having the moderator employ the lightest touch while also keeping the discussion away from questions ...

Unleash Your Data Driven UX Superhero With This ArtsU Webinar & Discount Code
I’m very happy to announce that on Friday, September 27, 2019 I’ll be leading an Americans for Arts ArtsU webinar on using metrics to refine and enhance your website’s user experience. Better still, the generous folks at Americans for the Arts were kind enough to provide a special discount code non-members can use to reduce the registration fee! About The Webinar Date: Friday, September 27, 2019 Time: 3:00PM ET Creating happy user experiences (UX) depends ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…