Why You Should Be Tracking Incremental Conversions

This is the first in a three-part series of posts about tracking incremental conversions.

We’ve all got website conversions.

A conversion is when a website visitor completes a desired goal or achieves a desired outcome. Conversions can be revenue or non-revenue based such as a ticket purchase, donation, event registration, volunteer sign-up, or inquiry form submission.

Along the journey to reaching that desired end goal, there are smaller conversions that are also important to track.

Let’s use a simple ticket purchase as an example.

Before someone purchases a tickets to an (in-person or virtual) event, they will likely view the event landing page, click on the “Buy Tickets” button, move to the event details page where they will choose the number of tickets/date/other options, go to the payment page where they will complete the purchase, and then end up on the confirmation page.

Knowing how many people are moving through these steps gives you a better idea where drop-offs might happen as well as help identify metrics that will get you to the number of end-goal conversions you’re looking for.

In this hypothetical case, I’m going to identify some key steps in that journey to track as incremental conversions:

  1. Landing Page View
  2. Event Detail Page (for in-person performing arts events this could be the seating chart)
  3. Post-Purchase Confirmation Page

Between now and the next post in this series, identify the two or three key points along the journey to the end goal conversion on your website.

Next time, we’ll go through how to set up goal tracking on your website so you can easily view your data.

Ceci Dadisman
Ceci Dadisman
Ceci Dadisman is a marketing professional with more than 15 years of experience creating effective communications campaigns utilizing innovative, forward thinking methods. She is nationally recognized as a leader in digital marketing and specializes in multichannel communications campaigns. A frequent public speaker, Ceci’s recent and upcoming engagements feature national conference appearances at NTEN, Museums and the Web, National Arts Marketing Project, Arts Midwest, American Alliance of Museums, OPERA America, Midwest Museums Association, and Chorus America in addition to many other local and regional events. Known for her easy-going and vernacular style, she creates open learning environments with an emphasis on information sharing and useful takeaways. She is a member of the National Arts Marketing Project Advisory Committee and the West Virginia University College of Creative Arts Visiting Committee, and is a mentor in West Virginia University’s Creative Consultant program. She also teaches the arts marketing course at West Virginia University’s College of Creative Arts and is on the faculty of Chorus America’s Chorus Management Institute. Ceci was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA and graduated from West Virginia University’s College of Creative Arts. She currently lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
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