One of the more popular posts here at ArtsHacker is from June, 2015 and provides links to downloadable Photoshop (PSD) templates you can use to create fantastic header images for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.
The templates are available from graphic designer Pauline Cabera at her website, She updated the entire template group since that original post and they continue to do an excellent job at illustrating the finer points of avoiding #MediaQueryDesignFail.
Each article includes user-friendly instructions and what to watch out for so if you’re looking to refresh your social media presence, do yourself a favor and save time by taking advantage of these terrific resources.
[button link=”″ bg_color=”#EB4C41″ border=”#EB4C41″]TWITTER TEMPLATE[/button]
[button link=”” bg_color=”#449BB5″ border=”#449BB5″]FACEBOOK TEMPLATE[/button]
[button link=”” bg_color=”#FF9856″ border=”#FF9856″]LINKEDIN TEMPLATE[/button]
[button text=”dark” link=”″ bg_color=”#FBE346″ border=”#FBE346″]GOOGLE+ TEMPLATE[/button]