Commission and Co-Production Agreement Points of Discussion
This post is related to a couple of earlier ones about basic concepts arts organizations should understand about contracts as presented by Brian Taylor Goldstein and Robyn Guillams from GG Arts Law at a recent Arts Midwest conference. It is worth consulting the earlier entries regarding how to approach contracts and what general elements belong in contracts. The main focus of the session GG Arts Law conducted was providing guidance about what issues should be ...

What Are The Parts Of A Contract?
[box]Author’s note: this post is a continuation of my earlier one about basic concepts arts organizations should understand about contracts as presented by Brian Taylor Goldstein and Robyn Guillams from GG Arts Law at a recent Arts Midwest conference.[/box] What Makes A Valid Contract? Believe it or not, there are only three basic elements required to form a valid contract: Offer, Acceptance, Consideration. Obviously there are almost infinite details which can constitute one of these ...

Change Your Fundamental Concept of Contracts
After attending different regional conferences over the last couple decades the one subject that it seems will never grow stale is contract law. Any session in the subject is always well attended. A large number of these sessions are conducted by Brian Taylor Goldstein and Robyn Guillams from GG Arts Law. At the last Arts Midwest conference they conducted a session on contracts for collaborations and partnerships. Before they started on that specific subject, they ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…