Disclaimer: I receive no compensation or consideration from Modern Postcard, nor are any links affiliate links.
You’re probably familiar with retargeting visitors who come to your website with Facebook content or Google advertising. This is when you place a pixel on your website that tracks users and then deploys content or advertising to them on another digital channel.
What if you could send your website visitors a postcard in the mail? My friends at Modern Postcard have created a way to do just that.
I have used Modern Postcard many times over the years to print and mail postcards for events because of their user-friendly way to pre-schedule mail drops. More recently, I became aware of their proprietary software that enables postcard retargeting and decided to try it out.
In a nutshell, to use this feature you install a bit of code similar to the Facebook or Google Analytics pixel on your website so that visitors can be tracked. When people access your website, Modern Postcard matches them with addresses and automatically sends a postcard to them.
Super cool, amiright?!
There are some additional options as well. You can identify a conversion and then exclude people who achieve that goal. You can also exclude visitors to certain pages, specify a certain geography within which to mail the cards, and choose a monthly budget.
I’ve been running retargeting postcards for a few months now and have already seen conversions. Here is a sample of the numbers:
The match rate varies, but when you think about the fact that you can reach website visitors you otherwise wouldn’t be, it is an amazing ability. Having an extra touchpoint is so valuable in any communications campaign.
(If you’re interested in doing postcard retargeting, reach out to Charlie at Modern Postcard.)