If you’re an artist or organization that doesn’t have a regular venue, you know the difficulties of finding places to rehearse or perform. My organization, the Chattanooga Symphony & Opera is fortunate to have a semi-regular concert hall that we perform in frequently throughout the season. But, as we work to get into the community and meet people where they are, we’re running into the same challenge of finding appropriate performance venues.
Many artists may be aware of Fractured Atlas and use some of it’s services; they have a particularly awesome blog that is varied in article topic. Their SpaceFinder site which allows artists in 14 large cities search through more than 5,000 spaces for rehearsal, studio art, and other creative rental spaces.
This whole thing is cool to me. But one of the coolest features is the ability to search for venues that are accessible. As artists and arts organizations begin to (finally) work with these populations and become more inclusive, it’s critical that are venues are inclusive and accessible.
It is limited in scope to those 14 cities, but there is a way to suggest and vote up different cities. Denver, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and others are among the suggestions up now.