Your New Digital Whiteboard

Disclaimer: I receive no compensation or other consideration from Miro, nor are any links affiliate links. If you’re missing your office whiteboard, I’ve got a digital solution for you! My go-to solution that enables a team to collaborate, brainstorm, or ideate in real time online is Miro, a collaborative online whiteboard software. Miro gives you an endless canvas on which you can create patron journeys, mind maps, wireframes, and more. I have found this tool ...

Gathering Data From Virtual Programming

As it becomes more clear that social distancing practices aren’t going to end anytime soon, our attention is turning to how to leverage our online offerings to build future audiences. Many organizations have widely shared free and open content online which has turned out to be a good vehicle to reach current and new patrons. In addition to making it easy to experience the art, this type of deployment removed the barrier of geography and ...

Guidance On Covid-19 Re-Openings, Even If Only Virtually

If you are looking for advice on best practices for arts and cultural entities once they are allowed to re-open, Downtown Professionals Network (DPN) has created a website specifically focused on this topic called Reopen Main Street.  The advice is broken down by types of business so arts and culture has its own devoted section. Since restrictions on public interactions vary across the country, there is guidance for both live and virtual events. The very ...