If you haven’t been following it already, Americans for the Arts blog salon on arts marketing started up last week and my contribution went up on Oct 24, 2015. Regular ArtsHacker readers will notice the numerous connections with this site’s mission and that’s no mistake; titled Mastering the Art of Getting Things Done, the post focuses on the need for arts marketers, and I’d go so far as to say arts managers in general, to ease up a bit on the conceptual stuff in favor of doing more to develop specific skill sets needed to implement strategy.
The post serves as a good precursor to the #NAMPC session I’ll be participating in alongside ArtsHacker Ceci Dadisman and Marketing Technologist and Digital Strategist Marc van Bree. Titled Click. Click. Done. Developing Your Google Analytics Skills it’s going to be a very hands-on type of session where you’ll be able to put lessons into motion in real time and since all of the content is designed to be of equal value to arts marketing pros of all levels, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Baby Boomer, Gen-Xer, or Millennial, everyone will walk away with tools you can put to use for the forces of arts marking good!
[button link=”https://blog.americansforthearts.org/2015/10/24/mastering-the-art-of-getting-things-done” bg_color=”#E6353A” border=”#E6353A”]READ THE FULL ARTICLE AND BECOME AN ARTS ADMIN JEDI & MASTER THE ART OF GETTING THINGS DONE[/button]
Already planning to attend the #ClickClickDone session at #NAMPC?
[easy-tweet tweet=”I’m going to #NAMPC and attending the #ClickClickDone session. You Should too!” user=”Americans4Arts”]