Finally, A Free QR Code Generator That Doesn’t Require Registration And Exports SVG Format
While there are plenty of free online QR code generators, the vast majority have enough pain points to make them less of a useful tool and more of a pain in the neck. The majority of times I need to create a QR code for myself or my clients things just need to be simple: I need to create it fast and export in svg format. We can use those to create a simple list …

Microsoft PowerToys: The Hack You Didn’t Know You Wanted
If you’re a PC user, there’s a fabulous app that’s been around since the days of Windows 95 but you can easily download from the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 and 11. Unfortunately, Microsoft describes the app using some weapon’s grade jargon: “Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity.” On the surface, it sounds like it has a minimum understanding threshold in …

Budgeting Tip: Separating Types of Expenses in your Chart of Accounts
If your programming runs from fall to spring/early summer, you most likely have a fiscal year that begins in mid-summer, and you most likely are presently in budget season. Here are two quick tips for organizing your Chart of Accounts. What is a Chart of Accounts? A Chart of Accounts is less a chart in the visual sense than it is a list of all the account names your organization uses within its accounting software, …

If You Aren’t Selling Flex Subscriptions, You’re Missing Out
JCA Arts Marketing recently released a study measuring subscription sales at arts and culture organizations. While prefaced with a friendly “don’t panic” notification (Douglas Adams fans will enjoy that reference), they don’t sugarcoat their findings. While the data in this study may not be immediately encouraging, we want to emphasize that we should view subscription decline as an opportunity. There are many advantages to the subscription model, but there are also many disadvantages. Let’s take …
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…