Is Facebook Not Sharing The Correct Info From Your Website?

Spoiler: it’s (mostly) not your fault. As if there weren’t enough reasons for Facebook to send content managers screaming into the night, one of their long-standing bear traps didn’t improve much in the past five years. The Problem You publish a new webpage or blog post and when you go to share, Facebook seems to be pulling up the wrong image, title, and/or description. Not only does the share probably look bad but worst-case scenario ...

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Use This Chrome Shortcut To Open Multiple Bookmarks At Once

Every content manager routinely opens multiple browser bookmarks throughout the week. Sure, you can add each one to your bookmark bar and open them one…at…a…time or you can use this simple bookmark bar hack that’s been flying under the radar for years. In a nutshell, you’re going to put all those bookmarks into a folder, place the folder into the browser toolbar, then use a little “open all” magic. The first steps are right from ...

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