ArtsHacker’s Guide To Combating Post Net Neutrality Slowdowns: Establishing Speed And Performance Benchmarks
In order to get the most out of your optimization efforts and counteract post net neutrality slowdowns, you need to have a reliable starting point to use as a frame of reference. That process begins with taking a series of page speed performance benchmark snapshots. To that end, there are several powerful tools available that are also free to use. The first two offer free user accounts that come in handy when you want to ...
How Not To Be Like Kodak
When we think about most arts organizations, would we use the term “innovative” to describe them? Probably not. For many organizations, things have been done largely the same way for decades. Sure, there may be some shiny new things like a website or app, but the experience of attending an arts event hasn’t really changed. You purchase a ticket to sit in a dark theater mostly in silence watching something happening on a stage. I ...
ArtsHacker’s Guide To Combating Post Net Neutrality Slowdowns: Where To Start
Right before the Thanksgiving holiday, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman, Ajit Pai, laid out his plan to repeal existing net neutrality rules. Net neutrality is the name given to the set of regulations that require Telecom providers, (like internet service providers Comcast, Verizon, Time Warner, and AT&T) to deliver all web content at the same speed. If you aren’t already familiar with what net neutrality is and why it’s so important to nonprofit arts organizations, here’s what ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…