On A Map Quest: Mapping Your Data
There’s a sub-class of nerds out there called “Map Nerds”. I’m a proud member; I love maps. A standard class in many public administration or urban planning classes involves learning the mapping software “Geographic Information Software” (shortened to G.I.S.) and it is a fun day when I can break out my map skills to map out some kind of data for the Chattanooga Symphony & Opera. Why should you map your data? In one word: ...

How To Make Images Behave Inside Mailchimp RSS Campaign Templates
NOTE: be sure to check out this article published after this one with updated information and a new option Mailchimp provides to help mitigate this problem. MailChimp (MC) is one of the most popular email marketing providers for a host of good reasons but even the best of providers have a few minor annoyances and in MC’s case, it’s the inability to dynamically resize images via an RSS campaign so they fit inside both Smartphone and standard ...

An easy way to make animated GIFs
Breaking news! Giphy has just launched their super simple GIF Maker. If you’re not familiar with Giphy, it is a site where you can find and share animated GIFs. Many have been waiting for them to add this service to their site as it is a logical extension of what they do. So, this morning I tried out the new GIF Maker and here’s how it works: First you select a video link from ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…