“Ermahgerd, she totally creeped my pins and then RT’d them all!”
Need a translator for that? Thanks to social media, new terms are appearing constantly. And if you’re managing your organization’s social media, managing your own, or just want to know what all the kids are talking about these days, then you’ll likely need a social media dictionary of some sort.*
Luckily social media managing site, Hootsuite has a you and your tweeps covered. Published by Matt Foulger, The 2014 Social Media Glossary: 154 Essential Definitions is a working document that covers social media speak from a to z…. well, from “abandonment rate” to “word cloud” and all the likes, retweets, and #TBTs in between.
[box type=”tick” border=”full”]*In February 2015, the Oxford Dictionaries Online added terms like “awk” and “AFAIC” used in social media, which goes along with selfie, brofie, SMH, humblebrag and others that had previously been added. So, soon you may be able to find social media slang right on your bookshelf.[/box]