If you’re an arts administrator or board member, it can be all too easy to read about data breaches in mainstream media then let it fade into out-of-sight, out-of-mind and secretly hope that your organization never has to be listed in one of those stories. Nonetheless, hope isn’t legal tender in the land of responsibility so to help illustrate just how much of an issue data breaches have become, swing over to this sobering, yet gorgeously rendered, interactive infographic from Information is Beautiful that details the major breaches since 2004.
[box]TIP: mobile device users may prefer the static image version.[/box]
Fortunately, you and your organization don’t need to be afraid of this 800-lb. Gorilla and one of the key steps toward dealing with what will almost certainly become an increasing risk is to establish a data security breach policy.
To that end, I published an article on this very topic on 12/18/2014 at adaptistration.com with the 30k foot overview plus detailed resources you can use to get a policy in place alongside establishing measures you should consider for containing and analyzing a breach along with steps for notifying law enforcement and affected individuals.
[ilink url=”https://www.adaptistration.com/blog/2014/12/18/do-you-have-a-data-security-breach-policy-yet-spoiler-you-should/” icon=”https://artshacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/B128_60.png”]READ: Do You Have A Data Security Breach Policy Yet? (Spoiler: You Should)[/ilink]
Bonus Resource: Curious about whether you were caught up in any of these data breeches? Then you need to visit ‘;–have i been pwned? where you can check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.
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