First of all, if you do email marketing, you should be aware of Really Good Emails. It is a great resource and source of inspiration and their email newsletter is one of the few I subscribe to AND actually open.
Recently they did what happens to everyone occasionally — they sent out an email with an error in it. Upon realizing their mistake, it was time for a mea culpa. This was the rather fabulous oops email that followed:
Here’s why I love this:
- They were honest about their mistake. Everyone makes mistakes every now and again and it is ok to admit it.
- Their messaging in the email is funny and totally on-brand. When we do something like this, I would be willing to bet that we utter at least one curse word (either aloud or in our head) and do a figurative facepalm.
- They turned it into an opportunity to maintain their status as a resource. Showcasing some other oops emails is genuinely helpful for the reader to see different variations on the theme.
Authenticity is the key to engaging communications, no matter the context.