Quite Possibly The Best Oops Email I’ve seen In A Long Time


By: Ceci Dadisman

First of all, if you do email marketing, you should be aware of Really Good Emails. It is a great resource and source of inspiration and their email newsletter is one of the few I subscribe to AND actually open.

Recently they did what happens to everyone occasionally — they sent out an email with an error in it. Upon realizing their mistake, it was time for a mea culpa. This was the rather fabulous oops email that followed:

Here’s why I love this:

  1. They were honest about their mistake. Everyone makes mistakes every now and again and it is ok to admit it.
  2. Their messaging in the email is funny and totally on-brand. When we do something like this, I would be willing to bet that we utter at least one curse word (either aloud or in our head) and do a figurative facepalm.
  3. They turned it into an opportunity to maintain their status as a resource. Showcasing some other oops emails is genuinely helpful for the reader to see different variations on the theme.

Authenticity is the key to engaging communications, no matter the context.

Ceci Dadisman
Ceci Dadisman
Ceci Dadisman is a marketing professional with more than 15 years of experience creating effective communications campaigns utilizing innovative, forward thinking methods. She is nationally recognized as a leader in digital marketing and specializes in multichannel communications campaigns. A frequent public speaker, Ceci’s recent and upcoming engagements feature national conference appearances at NTEN, Museums and the Web, National Arts Marketing Project, Arts Midwest, American Alliance of Museums, OPERA America, Midwest Museums Association, and Chorus America in addition to many other local and regional events. Known for her easy-going and vernacular style, she creates open learning environments with an emphasis on information sharing and useful takeaways. She is a member of the National Arts Marketing Project Advisory Committee and the West Virginia University College of Creative Arts Visiting Committee, and is a mentor in West Virginia University’s Creative Consultant program. She also teaches the arts marketing course at West Virginia University’s College of Creative Arts and is on the faculty of Chorus America’s Chorus Management Institute. Ceci was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA and graduated from West Virginia University’s College of Creative Arts. She currently lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
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