If I had a nickel for every time I was asked to send someone our logo…
If you’re in arts marketing, you know what I mean. We all deal with partner organizations, vendors, and designers who need our logo and brand assets and sometimes this can be time consuming to gather everything for them each time.
I recently found out about Brandfolder.com which is a place where you can store all of your brand assets and then share them via a simple URL. The best part about it is that they have a free plan that will work for the majority of companies out there. If you need more storage, they offer a 30% nonprofit discount on their paid plans.
At Palm Beach Opera, we’re using the free plan and it is working out great. Here is what our folder looks like:
You can upload logos, fonts, colors, photos, videos, brochures, mission statements, and more. Try it out and see what you think!