MOU vs Contracts

Non-profit organizations frequently enter into memorandum of understanding (MOU) relationships so it is important to understand the difference between them and contracts. In simple terms, an MOU is generally not legally binding while a contract is. The distinction actually comes down to the language used in the terms of a document. So a document can say Memorandum of Agreement on the top, but the terms set out by the language in the document may be ...

Contracts, Legal

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Altering And Amending Contracts

Since you may be used to the “take it or leave it” conditions in the End User License Agreements (EULA) on every piece of software, social media platform and online service you come across in your daily life, you may be under the impression that you have to meet every condition in a performing artist’s contract. This is generally not the case and unlike any EULA  you may come across, you can not blithely take ...

Contracts, Legal

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